Summer camps kick off in June 2014! There are day camps for elementary school students, overnight camps for junior high aged students, and 1-2 week long camps for high school students. All the camps focus on local and regional biology, paleontology, and geology. They not only get students outside and exploring the environment, but also learning how to ask and answer scientific questions; these camps provide a great way for students to develop analytical skills they will take with them beyond school. There will also be some family-based programming, as well!
Fundraising is underway to help cover the initical costs of camping and field equiment needed to run the biology and paleontology field camps. Covering these costs through crowdfunding means that we can keep camp fees down for students.
Check out our RocketHub website for more information. Recent press coverage provides additional information about the camps, too.
As always, you can find Sternberg actives online!
You can also contact Education Director David Levering for more information:
DALevering @FHSU.edu
Please think about supporting the Sternberg Museum and our efforts to provide more, engaging science education for all ages!